
CBI Shabbaton Next Week

Join me at CBI's Shabbaton "Spirituality and Social Justice: The Legacy of Abraham Joshua Heschel".
This will be a weekend of prayer, singing and study with Or Rose (a teacher in the rabbinical program at Boston's Hebrew College and a PhD candidate in Jewish Thought at Brandeis University. He is a dynamic teacher and is the author of and God in All Moments and Abraham Joshua Heschel: Man of Spirit, Man of Action). By the way, both are great books (although the Heschel book is a biography for teens).

Friday Night Service at 6pm followed by dinner and presentation: Heschel's Spirituality of Shabbat (dinner $15 but I will help you pay).
Saturday Morning Service at 9:30am followed by talk and study/song during kiddush: The Spirituality of Social Justice
Sunday Morning Presentation to teens and their families: Heschel and Rev. Martin Luther King, jr.: Leaders of Spirit, Leaders of Action

You only need to RSVP to CBI for dinner (584-3593). Let me know if you need help with the cost of dinner.

Again, I am sorry that we have been too sick to have anyone over this shabbat.
Shabbat shalom,

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